Well, that’s that then. Christmas is distant for another year. A thought that surrounds my braincase is, when is it acceptable to start watching Christmas movies again? That reminds me I MUST have a roast dinner more than once a year because they are that GOOD, and I cannot wait another year for crispy, delicious Aunt Bessie’s goose fat potatoes… Anyway, enough about the food.
With the New Year around the corner, I can think of many filled/unfulfilled promises such as:
‘’This year I will stop eating chocolate.’’
‘’This year I will stop smoking.’’
‘’This year I am sticking to the gym.’’
What is your New Year’s Resolution and are you confident you will stick to it?
It is funny, as humans, we always wait till the new year to make a change, but why? New Year's has always been a popular time for people to make changes or set goals to improve themselves. Although I’m a part of the majority who wait till New Year's to make a change, I do contemplate why do we wait when we can start now?
The underlying truth is, anytime is a great time to make a resolution, but regardless of whether you start now or on January 1st, I urge you to stick to it. I hope that whatever your Resolution is, that you change a bad habit or develop a positive practice.
To inspire those reading, I am going to share my Resolution.
1) Survive the graduate life.
With graduation slowly approaching, I have the motivation to survive the experience shortly after. How? I am not entirely sure yet; but somewhere on the lines of getting a full-time job, planning my future Poetry and Movement company and remaining in London. I have lived in London since 2017 and I love it here! It is almost natural to talk about the negative connotations of living in a city, but I adore the creative, vibrant life here.
2) Stay Sociable!
I find in my studies at University; it is effortless to stay social due to continually being around dancers who are talkative, present, and loveable characters. However, my worry is after. Full-time working to pay the unaffordable London bills, I will not have as much time to be social as I do now; however, I do believe the people who are meant to be in your life will stay in your life. I aim to see friends/family at least twice a week to remain sane and happy. Communication is key people! Surround yourself with individuals who care and support you, and it will improve your mental health!
Lastly, please (please) take care of yourselves and get New Year’s Resolution writing! Roll on 2020 ; I wish you a happy and successful year.
Much love,
S Barks.